Roque Saint-Christophe 




School of Architecture (ETSAM)
[Design Studio 4]
profs. Alberto Morell, Eduardo Pérez, José Jaraiz, Antonio Moralejo




roque Saint-Christophe, Peyzac-le-Moustier, France

Located on the Roque Saint Christophe, characterized by its dimensions and the crack that runs through it. This area is defined by a combination of natural and artificial traces. The river, the rock, and the crack are related to the marks left by humanity throughout history.

The project proposes a new trace to complement the existing ones. The goal is to frame the rock and create a path through it. The program includes areas dedicated to techniques related to earth and fire, air, water, and contemplation.

It is a porticoed structure, where the roof height remains constant, while the varying elevation of the mountain compresses and expands the spaces.

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